Durham UCU Committee is elected by the members of the UCU in Durham. Elections are held every year at the Annual General Meeting. A maximum of five members can subsequently be co-opted.

If you would like more information on the committee, or are considering standing, please contact a committee member.

Below you will find the list of the elected committee members for the present academic year and their areas of responsibility.

NamePositionCurrent/Former Dep’tTel.
Jana BacevicMigrant Members’ Rep.Sociology44947
Eamonn BellComputer Science44947
Jamie CallahanMembership/Recruitment SecretaryDUBS43425
Laura CampbellCaseworkMLAC43425
Simona CapisaniEquality OfficerPhilosophy41409
Mike CostelloComputing Rep.CIS42727
Ric CrossmanMaths40872
Sol GamsuPast President and Current Hon. TreasurerSociology46842
Martin GleghornUniversity Library
Madalena LemosVice-PresidentMaths44154
Iain LindseyPensions OfficerSport46988
Lewis MatesSGIA47220
Arin MizouriJoint PresidentPhysics
Katie MuthCommunications OfficerEnglish41535
Tim PackerCIS41978
Francis PritchardHon. Secretary/
Health & Safety Rep./
Law School46229
Peter RichardsonPhysics
Cynthia Tavars MLAC43224
Neil Tunstall Health & Safety Rep.Geography44360
Sara UckelmanJoint PresidentPhilosophy46831
Jon WarrenColleges Rep./Casework St Cuthbert’s 43390

Rachel White


Anti-Casualisation Officer