Trade unions served with section 188 notice of potential redundancies

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Letter from DUCU negotiators to members, 28 January 2025

Dear colleagues

The employer served us with a Section 188 notification of proposed redundancies at Durham University on Tuesday 21 January at 16.31.

The employer prevented us from disclosing this information earlier. Section 188 of TULRCA 1992 obliges employers to inform and consult with the representatives of employees affected by proposed redundancies, and to explore with them all available options to avoid redundancies, minimise their number, and mitigate their consequences. On Thursday 23 January we met with the employer and got them to release this information earlier than they had initially planned. You should have now received a communication from the employer.

Our position is that any savings should be made from non-staff costs. During the consultation, all affected members should be able to contribute.

We strongly encourage members to join the general meeting at the usual Zoom link tomorrow (Wednesday 29 January 2025) at 13.00 and to reach out to Durham UCU committee if you have proposals or relevant expertise. The situation is very serious, with compulsory redundancies a real possibility. We will continue to do everything in our power to protect all jobs, but we need an active branch to fight these proposed redundancies.

What Can You Do?

  • Vote in the consultative ballot by 17.00 Wednesday 12 February
  • Come to the General Meeting on 29 January from 13.00 at the usual Zoom link
  • Ask your colleagues to vote in the consultative ballot

Our strength is in numbers and the collective action we can take. We continue consultations with management on Thursday 30 January and we will keep you informed as things progress.

Vote today, talk to your colleagues, and get involved.

In solidarity

Arin Mizouri and Madalena Lemos (Durham UCU negotiators)