Hardship fund to re-open

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The hardship fund will open again early next week to offset deductions because of the strike days in February and March. In response to feedback from members, there have been some small changes to the form and the process. The … Continued

Branch wins Northern TUC Award

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Jointly with Newcastle, our Branch has won the Northern TUC award for Organiser of the Year. The presentation by the TUC President, Ged Nicholls, will be at the annual Northern TUC Conference in Newcastle on March 28. Here is our nomination … Continued

Picket arrangements

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Tomorrow is the first strike day! We will be picketing from 08.15 – 11.15. Assemble at the Science Site map (near the main library) at 11.15 for an informal rally. If you have not picketed before, Departments / Sections usually … Continued