Sign the petition!
Our student petition to support the strikes:
Our student petition to support the strikes:
Tomorrow is the first strike day! We will be picketing from 08.15 – 11.15. Assemble at the Science Site map (near the main library) at 11.15 for an informal rally. If you have not picketed before, Departments / Sections usually … Continued
Durham University and University and College Union (UCU) at Durham are jointly committed to ensuring that all colleagues working across the University are treated fairly, with terms and conditions and rates of pay which are appropriate and clearly defined. Last … Continued
UCU has announced 14 days of strikes this term on the continuing disputes over the USS pensions scheme, and on pay, equality, casualisation and workloads: Week 1: Thursday 20 & Friday 21 February Week 2: Monday 24-Wednesday 26 February Week … Continued
The first pay deductions for last year’s strikes will are in January’s payslip. There is both a national and a local fund to help support strikers. Full details are on our strike pay and hardship fund page
Strike action begins on Monday 25 November and continues for 8 days. See our dedicated strike pages for full details.
Emergency General Meeting Thursday 21st 13.00-14.00 Chemistry Building, 085. Agenda: next week’s strikes!
UCU members in UK universities have backed strike action in ballots over both pensions, and pay and working conditions. That includes Durham University, which has approved strike action and action short of a strike on both the USS Pensions and … Continued
Papers in the UCU ballot need to be returned by 30 October. It would be really useful if you could let your departmental rep know when you’ve voted, so we can get an idea of turnout. You will have papers … Continued
There will be a General Meeting of DUCU on Friday 25th October at 13.00 in TLC123 (the new Teaching & Learning Centre). Items for the agenda include subscription rates, sustainability, lecture capture, PGCTLHE, and the ballots. Motions will be circulated in due course. … Continued